[{"name":"Abigael Anaza-Mark","project":"What would it take to build a future where gender inequality in STEM fields is history? \r\n\r\nSTEMFutures by SheSOLVES is Abigael\u2019s way of addressing the existing gender gap in STEM. It is an ongoing series of Intergenerational dialogues across four generations of women (veterans, mid-career professionals, undergraduates and girls in secondary schools). Designed to serve as a melting pot of a safe space and enabler, STEMFutures promotes positive attitudes towards STEM amongst young girls, gives them insight into the future of work and empowers them to use foresight in imagining the skills required to thrive in future careers. Our goal is to mentor a new generation of women as future innovators and inventors in STEM fields, as well as propose a new intergenerational contract that will reduce or outrightly remove barriers to gender parity in STEM fields in future.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Nigeria","liveIn":"Nigeria","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Abigael-2.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"STEM Futures is a platform to facilitate intergenerational dialogues amongst African women in STEM, reducing barriers to their active participation in STEM fields.","badges":""},{"name":"Alex Turner","project":"How can we develop effective strategies to prevent citizens from being left behind as the digital divide widens due to the rapid and ongoing advancements in AI? \r\n\r\nMy objective is to develop a method of engaging with communities to develop and co-create future scenarios which explore how to protect workers and citizens by providing local, grass-roots driven social safety nets as the nature of work evolves with AI. My project is about developing a robust and engaging story-telling framework that can empower communities, provide feedback loops to decision-makers, and deliver actionable recommendations that promote equitable outcomes in the face of emerging technology and AI-driven transformations.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"United Kingdom","liveIn":"United Kingdom","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/AlexTurner-2.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Can future scenarios help us to co-create strategies for social safety nets and equitable outcomes for worker protections as AI reshapes the nature of work?","badges":["Emerging Technology"]},{"name":"Alice Dimond","project":"Over the past few years, I have been part of a team developing and testing an indigenous futures tool called Te Korekoreka (www.tekorekoreka.co.nz). Te Korekoreka empowers us to imagine and navigate towards the future we desire by reconnecting with our indigenous knowledge. The tool asks us to examine our present, learn from our past, imagine a new future, and commit to a deliberate course of action that will enable us to shift from our current reality to a better one. Our hope is that Te Korekoreka can empower our wh\u0101nau M\u0101ori (M\u0101ori community) to create a more equitable and prosperous future. My hope is that through engaging in this fellowship I can connect with other futures practitioners from around the globe to support our work, as well as build networks with other indigenous future makers.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"New Zealand","liveIn":"New Zealand","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Alice-D.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"How might we imagine and navigate towards a better future for Indigenous people by reconnecting with Indigenous knowledge systems?","badges":["Futures Methods from Around the World"]},{"name":"Alicia Richins","project":"The Climateverse is a media platform reporting the news from parallel dimensions where humanity is actually taking transformative action on climate and social justice issues. Through short, easy to digest creative news stories in text and video format juxtaposed against the landscape of real news, the Climateverse meets people in current topics and provides hopeful and tangible examples of what we could be doing differently in the current real world.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Canada","liveIn":"Canada","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Alicia-1.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"How can narratives of alternative presents inspire engagement in climate futures?","badges":""},{"name":"Amaleehah Aslam-Forrester","project":"The HonourTheGirl project promotes gender equality and peace building through foresight techniques and empowering youth voices to eradicate violence against women and girls in UK communities. The project enables young people to use foresight techniques to envision a society free from honour-based violence and where all genders are equal. Encouraging young people to identify solutions to gender inequality within their own community, HonourTheGirl empowers young people to develop action based solutions and shape the future. Through the power of youth voices, HonourTheGirl, places young people at the centre of systems change and the building of a peaceful, equitable and safe future for all.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"United Kingdom","liveIn":"United Kingdom","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Amaleehah-Aslam.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"From awareness to actions: A foresight and youth led approach to ending violence against women and girls.","badges":["Early Practitioner","Judges' Choice"]},{"name":"Ammaarah Nilafdeen","project":"The main objective of the project is to establish a method for mapping patterns, trends, and potential risks associated with anti-Muslim violence and incidents in Sri Lanka. The goal is to create a timely early warning system through thorough participatory research, which will then be shared with inter-religious organizations and forums that collaborate with local communities. This will assist in supporting their programming and initiatives in the region. Consequently, it will enable the timely prevention of potential violence and triggers, particularly in areas prone to religious violence and riots.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Sri Lanka","liveIn":"Sri Lanka","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/IMG_6949.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"How can we establish an early warning system in Sri Lanka to prevent anti-Muslim violence through pattern mapping and community collaboration?","badges":["Early Practitioner","Peacebuilding"]},{"name":"Andr\u00e9 Arruda","project":"The project's primary goal is to create a tailored Foresight approach that seamlessly incorporates Futures Design tools and collaborative processes. This approach is specifically designed for implementation within the unique context of social organizations and government bodies in the Global South. Its ultimate aim is to facilitate the co-creation of Desirable Futures through active participation from civil society, local government entities, and academic institutions. The project's endgame is to produce a versatile virtual toolkit, accessible in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, which will be freely available for individuals or groups interested in utilizing these resources within their respective organizational settings. In addition, the project will establish concise training courses, concentrating on the practical application of these tools. These courses will not only cover the toolkits but also delve into fundamental concepts and case studies, specifically emphasizing their applicability within Latin American and African nations.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Brazil","liveIn":"Brazil","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Andre.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and tools related to Strategic Foresight & Futures Design applied to governance and civil society, with the aim of stimulating sustainable long-term strategies for the Global South.","badges":""},{"name":"Candela Martinez","project":"My project aims to co-create and develop a foresight framework \u2013 including a methodology and toolbox \u2013 to inform local climate disaster relief policy, social response and infrastructure, in climate risk areas in rural Spain. This toolbox enables policy-makers, scientists and civic society to blend innovative co-creation practices, diverse voices and different data sources (predictive data, historical records, local knowledge, collective imagination and systems thinking, to name a few) to develop forward-thinking scenarios to understand the future and decide how we want to act on it, to make sure solutions are social, equal and systemic.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Spain","liveIn":"Spain","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/IMG_3480-1.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"How can we prepare our built-in systems for tomorrow\u2019s climate disasters in rural, isolated, low tech and underfunded areas by tapping into participatory foresight and opening the door to new epistemological angles?","badges":["Climate & Just Transitions"]},{"name":"Carlo Lopa","project":"My project seeks to cultivate transformative and adaptive leadership among Sangguniang Kabataan leaders (SKs) and other young Filipino government officials by capacitating them with Collective Foresight, an approach that integrates Foresight with Coalition-building activities.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"The Philippines","liveIn":"The Philippines","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Carlo.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"My project seeks to cultivate transformative change in the Philippines by capacitating the next generation of politicians with the skills to reimagine our nation and work together to achieve it.","badges":["Early Practitioner","Democracy & Governance"]},{"name":"Estefania Simon-Sasyk","project":"Transform is an experience to create connection and conversation through contact with food. Gathering people around the table to engage in tasks like chopping, peeling, and selecting ingredients, allows to create an intimate, communal space. This setup allows diverse stakeholders in the food system to discuss our collective legacy, the future, and how individual actions can contribute to collective change.\r\n\r\nMore here: https:\/\/www.myceliumgastronomy.com\/transform","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Venezuela","liveIn":"Venezuela","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/CrUwu9snSQYEXSRQa3jSEo54tDMWt43x4w3zN3mD-scaled.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Transform: Food preparation as a space for reflection and togetherness.","badges":""},{"name":"Francesca Fattorini","project":"In a rapidly changing world, it becomes essential for the new generations to acquire a range of skills in order to grow in their personal and professional lives. This is the objective of the TrendSpotting & WeaksignalSpectrum Observatory, which involves young people under 35 for the analysis of phenomena visible in the present and potentially impacting on the future. This process helps young people to understand the dynamics of the transformations that are taking place today, making them more aware about possible future implications. This strengthens the ability to respond in advance to these challenges and take some 'future-proof' actions.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Italy","liveIn":"Italy","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Francesca.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Young people as protagonists of today, not only of tomorrow. How? By observing trends and taking actions to shape their future.","badges":""},{"name":"Ishtiaq Azim, Muhammad Jibran Arshad & Mohammad Hayat Khan","project":"'Peshawar in 2035\u2019 is an interdisciplinary research group inspiring Peshawar's adoption of cutting-edge technologies for city development while offering insights and solutions to manage associated risks. The project's goal is to publish two inspiring sci-fi stories centered on \u2018Education\u2019 and \u2018Law\u2019 using science fiction prototyping as a foresighting tool. These narratives aim to spark imagination and illustrate the potential influence of emerging technologies like Generative AI, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 3D Printing on the future of Education and Law by 2035. These stories will inspire lawyers, educators, policymakers, and the public to envision alternative futures for education and law, serving as inspiration not only for Peshawar but also for other cities and counterparts.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Pakistan","liveIn":"Pakistan","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Screenshot-2023-09-27-at-4.15.25-PM.png","team_name":"","one_liner":"\"Peshawar in 2035\" is an interdisciplinary research group with the goal of shaping a desirable future for Peshawar through the creation of two sci-fi stories centered around the themes of education and law.","badges":["Emerging Technology"]},{"name":"James Balzer","project":"James is assessing alternative heat governance futures for Sydney - focused on developing an antifragile, anticipatory and agile future for Sydney's extreme heat management. He wants to explore what compels, motivates and apprehends better extreme heat management, and how to establish long term path dependencies for more equitable and effective heat governance futures.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Australia","liveIn":"Australia","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/James.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"James's project seeks to determine the pathway for a more equitable and resilient extreme heat governance future for Sydney.","badges":""},{"name":"Kenneth Nsah","project":"In my NGFP Fellowship project, I intend to organise online creative writing workshops with selected youth from some Congo Basin countries with the aim of stimulating them to craft stories that portray the alternative futures they envisage for the Basin and the Earth. In this regard, I will work with about 15-20 young and talented storytellers to produce not necessarily realistic imaginaries but provocative alternative narratives of the future which can lead to more concrete climate action and efforts to protect biodiversity while ensuring just transitions to sustainable futures. The project will build on foresight, futures and storytelling to effect change in the area of climate change and just transitions in the Congo Basin and beyond.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Cameroon","liveIn":"Cameroon","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Kenneth.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Kenneth Nsah intends to leverage creative writing and foresight tools with young people in workshops to explore alternatives futures for the Congo Basin in order to address climate change, biodiversity loss and other ecological challenges in the Basin and on Earth.","badges":["Judges' Choice"]},{"name":"Kevin Martens Wong","project":"Sunyeskah or Dreamfishing is the Kristang creole\/indigenous epistemological method of creating or excavating words, concepts, idea-tangents and possibilities for one's own culture or community through directed spontaneous work with the personal and collective unconscious. This project seeks to develop an Osura Sunyeskah, or a Dreamfishing Toolkit, that can be used by individuals, communities and other interested parties to support structured, authentic and respectful decolonisation, re-indigenisation and cultural, linguistic and socioemotional revitalisation.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Singapore","liveIn":"Singapore","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/20220710_130924.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"How can creole and indigenous communities engage in structured, authentic and respectful decolonisation, reindigenisation and cultural, linguistic and socioemotional revitalisation through stronger relationships with the unknown, the intangible and the unconscious?","badges":["Futures Methods from Around the World"]},{"name":"Maria Teresa Santos","project":"My project addresses the globalised local issue of gentrification, using my village - a typical Mediterranean rural decaying town - as the ground for a community-led experiment. While Portugal is trending for real-estate investors and digital nomads, it is also facing a serious housing crisis, amidst rising social tensions and new environmental threats. National debate is ongoing but an anticipatory approach to the future is lacking. I then thought about what could be done to anticipate these transformations, actually harnessing their power, starting grassroots. What if the local community prepares beforehand, to harness the forces of \u201cgentrification\u201d to trigger positive transformation?","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Portugal","liveIn":"Portugal","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Maria-Teresa.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Can we do gentrification right? Finding solutions between the need for young urban generations to reconnect with the basics and the urgency for bringing back action to ageing rural communities.","badges":["Intergenerational Fairness"]},{"name":"Fran Quintero Rawlings, Ziyan Hossain and Calla Lee","project":"Space for Grief is a placemaking initiative focused on destigmatizing personal and collective grief. It consists of immersive public art installations, curated works, and community engagements. The initiative is led by the team at Method Collective and is rooted in ethnographic research and consultancy work with cities, governments and organizations. It aims to increase community empathy and engagement around transitions and loss, with the long term goal of encouraging improved conversations and supports for ourselves, communities and workplaces. The installation serves as an immersive communal gathering place, where individuals can come together to learn about expressions of grief across nature and the variety of causes and manifestations of it. It acts as a participatory process for individuals to eventually inspire change in community perspectives and policies. Combinations of built form architecture and organic plant material create a surreal environment for meditation, while prompts guide visitors to reflect on experiences in their lives. Accompanying soundscapes, composed specifically for the installation, act as a soundtrack for one\u2019s memories. Following an exceptional community response in phase one which took place at Toronto\u2019s premier Reference Library, one of North America\u2019s busiest library systems, Space for Grief has launched phase two, driving its expanding mission forward.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Canada","liveIn":"Canada","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Methord-Collective.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Space for Grief is an initiative that aims to improve personal and community wellbeing through a combination of immersive art and placemaking focused on challenging stigmas around grief and its many causes and expressions.","badges":""},{"name":"Miguel Bello","project":"Building on the work of the \"Entre Voces y Relatos\" initiative, which has captured historical narratives and experiences of Colombian children impacted by armed conflict, we aim to extend this lens into the future. By conducting foresight exercises, we will empower these children to envision and shape narratives of preferable futures characterized by sustainable peace and ecosocial transitions. This project forms a bridge between past and future, allowing the experiences and lessons of history to foster the creation of alternative scenarios for a brighter tomorrow.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Colombia","liveIn":"Colombia","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/230920-NGFP-Fellowship-3.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Empowering conflict-impacted children with foresight, blending historical narratives and envisioned futures for peacebuilding and ecosocial transitions.","badges":["Peacebuilding"]},{"name":"Sabina Mihailescu","project":"\u00centreVecini (AmongNeighbours) is a project that aims to regenerate the community spirit in urban areas in Romania, creating offline communities in order to develop sustainable local hubs. The changemaking journey for the communities starts when PV panels are installed on the roof of their block of flats and continues through various sustainability-centered activities (beekeeping trainings, circular fairs, urban gardening etc). Through these 2 pillars (clean energy, sustainable activities) we transform the local communities and we foster dialogue between very different community members, fighting radicalization, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, ageism.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Romania","liveIn":"Romania","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/FAB01884.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"How can we facilitate genuine & open intergenerational dialogue in order to imagine and start working towards a common, desired future?","badges":["Balkans Region"]},{"name":"Sandile Mtetwa","project":"The project seeks to understand what the future of energy access and security in Zimbabwe would look like if clean energy generation projects were civilian led and managed with minimal government reliance. Foresight analysis will use a combination of extensive research with community stakeholders, literature reviews, computational models, and digital tools to draw informative conclusions that may give insight into the role of community members in energy security and the net-zero agenda.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Zimbabwe","liveIn":"Zimbabwe","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/7.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Unlocking the potential of community-led projects to achieve an energy secure future and a just transition in Zimbabwe.","badges":["Climate & Just Transitions"]},{"name":"Shadi Rouhshahbaz & Mikhail Silvestro Sustersic","project":"78 years ago, two nuclear bombs were detonated, leaving a scar on the collective human consciousness. How can we ensure that this will not ever happen again in the future of humanity? Shadi and Mikhail will use experience design and gamification to create a Live Action Roleplaying game (LARP) for diverse international audiences to gain firsthand experience with moral and practical challenges related to the futures of disarmament and nuclear weapons.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Iran & Italy","liveIn":"Iran & Italy","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Untitled-design-70-1.png","team_name":"","one_liner":"We will use Immersive experience design and live action role-playing (LARP) for people to gain firsthand experiences of the dilemmas of the futures of nuclear security.","badges":["Nuclear Security"]},{"name":"Siddhi Ashar","project":"What would it mean for future generations born after 2027's landmark 1.5\u00b0C to become transboundary citizens blurring territorial lines? Through speculative fiction I explore intergenerational visioning, long-term governance models, and transformative funding mechanisms. Together, it aims to create a home for their inherited futures, What Ifs of future generations as \"true\" custodians of the Earth, and how newer governance and anticipatory funding models could enable future resilient realities.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"India","liveIn":"India","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/8-1.jpeg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Exploring a post 1.5 \u00b0C future, I use speculative fiction to propose an intergenerational approach to identity and governance where children are born as transboundary citizens rather than tied to territorial lines, prompting different long-term governance models, and transformative funding mechanisms.","badges":["Democracy & Governance"]},{"name":"Solophina Nekesa & Jehan Bhikoo","project":"Our project uses Futures Workshop Methodology to collaboratively explore, with young designers and urban practitioners, future visions for African cities. In addition, we hope to develop context appropriate futures tools, and create inclusive platforms that enable us to be bold in dreaming and shaping the African cities and urban spaces we aspire to live, work and thrive in.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Uganda & South Africa","liveIn":"Uganda & South Africa","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Screenshot-2023-09-25-at-11.30.03-PM.png","team_name":"","one_liner":"We shall explore how to shape the African Cities we aspire to live, work and thrive in.","badges":""},{"name":"Thays Prado","project":"Feminist Futures is a speculative fiction stories platform co-created by feminists from different generations, geographies, and backgrounds using futures and foresight methods. It reclaims the power of imagining, inspires the collective imaginary, informs advocacy and policy-making, and trains an AI model on feminist language and principles \u2013 which then generates new feminist stories.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Brazil","liveIn":"Brazil","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/AQSWWT04OGgRVTHnpRMDGOfjIuG0GH4uChL9KD9j.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Feminist Futures: what would the world look like if it was imagined and co-created by feminist humans and AIs?","badges":""},{"name":"Thomas Walker","project":"Australia is at a critical policy juncture. We must redesign our tax system to be sustainable and equitable and allow investment into a better future. But our Government hesitates to act because of a lack of political courage and short-termism in outlook. This continues a pattern over recent decades, where politicians have focused on getting re-elected over the needs of younger and future generations. To overcome this, intergenerational thinking is required. Using foresight techniques, my project will engage younger Australians to understand how current policies will impact them over the coming decades and their values and perspectives on what Australia\u2019s taxation system should support and prioritise instead. Results from the project will advise the government on the changes younger generations want to see in the tax reform process.","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Australia","liveIn":"Australia","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Tom-Walker-Photo.jpg","team_name":"","one_liner":"Thomas is undertaking a participatory process with Australia\u2019s younger generations to craft a long-term economic vision and reform movement by asking the question: how do we want to live our lives, and how can our tax and economic systems support that?","badges":["Intergenerational Fairness"]},{"name":"Young Voices Winners 2023","project":"The Young Voices Awards received submissions from young changemakers across the globe, reflecting the international diversity of perspectives shaping our future. 60% of entries came from youth ages 15-17, and almost 20% were remarkably from youth 12 years of age. \r\n\r\nSpanning over 40 countries, projects flowed in from Nigeria to Nepal, Egypt to Brazil, and beyond. Project ideas from building compost solutions in New Zealand or empowering girls in Pakistan, youth foresight links to local needs but thinks globally. The diverse project descriptions reveal prevalent themes centering on sustainability, STEM innovation, equality and inclusion, education, health, economic opportunity, food production, conservation, civic participation, marginalized group empowerment, and poverty alleviation solutions. Visit Teach the Future\u2019s website to meet the 27 winners for 2023! https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/teachthefuture","cohort":"2023","nationality":"Global","liveIn":"Global","imageUrl":"https:\/\/ngfwp.jwlfi.xyz\/app\/uploads\/2023\/09\/Screenshot-2023-09-25-at-11.44.05-PM-1.png","team_name":"","one_liner":"The Next Generation Foresight Practitioner - Young Voices (NGFP-YV) Awards aims to showcase the voices of our youth 12-17 years of age. Visit Teach the Future\u2019s website to meet the 27 winners for 2023!","badges":["Young Voices"]}]